
Require Import HOcore.Prelim.

Require Import HOcore.ComplLat

This file contains lemmas about substitutions as well as substitutivity for transitions and their corresponding inversion lemmas

Substitutivity of transitions

Lemma step_out_substit:
  forall sigma a r p p',
    step_out a r p p' ->
    step_out a r.[sigma] p.[sigma] p'.[sigma].
  do 5 intro. intro H1.
  induction H1.
  - apply StOutSend.
  - now apply StOutParL.
  - now apply StOutParR.

Lemma step_in_substit:
  forall sigma a p p',
    step_in a p p' ->
  forall p2, p2 = p'.[up sigma] ->
    step_in a p.[sigma] p2.
  intros sigma a p p' H1.
  induction H1; intros; subst.
  - apply StInReceive.
  - asimpl.
    replace q.[sigma >> ren (+1)] with q.[sigma].[ren (lift 1)] by now asimpl.
    eapply StInParL; now try apply IHstep_in.
  - asimpl.
    replace p.[sigma >> ren (+1)] with p.[sigma].[ren (lift 1)] by now asimpl.
    eapply StInParR; now try apply IHstep_in.

Lemma step_tau_substit:
  forall sigma p p',
    step_tau p p' ->
    step_tau p.[sigma] p'.[sigma].
  intros sigma p p' H. induction H; intros; subst; simpl.
  - pose (IH1 := step_out_substit sigma H).
    pose (IH2 := @step_in_substit sigma a q q' H0).
    replace q'.[r .: ids].[sigma] with q'.[up sigma].[r.[sigma] .: ids] by now asimpl.
    eapply StTauSynL.
    + now apply IH1.
    + now apply IH2.
    + reflexivity.
  - subst. simpl.
    pose (IH1 := @step_in_substit sigma a p p' H).
    pose (IH2 := step_out_substit sigma H0).
    replace p'.[r .: ids].[sigma] with p'.[up sigma].[r.[sigma] .: ids] by now asimpl.
    eapply StTauSynR.
    + now apply IH1.
    + now apply IH2.
    + reflexivity.
  - auto.
  - auto.

Lemma step_var_cxt_substit_ren:
  forall xi n p p',
    step_var_cxt n p p' ->
    step_var_cxt (xi n) p.[ren xi] p'.[ren (upren xi)].
  intros xi n p p' H1.
  induction H1; subst.
  - asimpl. constructor.
  - asimpl.
    assert (H2: step_var_cxt (xi n) (Par p.[ren xi] q.[ren xi])
      (Par p'.[ren (upren xi)] q.[ren xi].[ren (+1)])).
    { eapply StVarCxtParL; eauto. }
    now asimpl in H2.
  - asimpl.
    assert (H2: step_var_cxt (xi n) (Par p.[ren xi] q.[ren xi])
      (Par p.[ren xi].[ren (+1)] q'.[ren (upren xi)])).
    { eapply StVarCxtParR; eauto. }
    now asimpl in H2.

Propagation via context

Lemma step_out_propagation_cxt:
  forall sigma p C n a q'' q',
    step_var_cxt n p C ->
    step_out a q'' (sigma n) q' ->
    step_out a q'' p.[sigma] C.[q' .: sigma].
  intros sigma p C n a q'' q' H1 H2.
  induction H1; subst; asimpl; auto.

Lemma step_in_propagation_cxt:
  forall sigma p C n a q',
    step_var_cxt n p C ->
    step_in a (sigma n) q' ->
    step_in a p.[sigma] C.[q' .: (sigma >> (ren (+1)))].
  intros sigma p C n a q' H1 H2.
  induction H1; subst; auto.
  - asimpl. eapply StInParL.
    + now apply IHstep_var_cxt.
    + now asimpl.
  - asimpl. eapply StInParR.
    + now apply IHstep_var_cxt.
    + now asimpl.

Lemma step_tau_propagation_cxt:
  forall sigma p C n q',
    step_var_cxt n p C ->
    step_tau (sigma n) q' ->
    step_tau p.[sigma] C.[q' .: sigma].
  intros sigma p C n q' H1 H2.
  induction H1; subst; auto.
  - asimpl. apply StTauParL. now apply IHstep_var_cxt.
  - asimpl. apply StTauParR. now apply IHstep_var_cxt.

Lemma context_fill_step_var_cxt:
  forall sigma p C n n' q',
    step_var_cxt n p C ->
    step_var_cxt n' (sigma n) q' ->
    step_var_cxt n' p.[sigma] C.[q' .: (sigma >> (ren (+1)))].
  intros sigma p C n n' q' H1 H2.
  induction H1; subst; auto.
  - asimpl. eapply StVarCxtParL.
    + now apply IHstep_var_cxt.
    + now asimpl.
  - asimpl. eapply StVarCxtParR.
    + now apply IHstep_var_cxt.
    + now asimpl.

Inversion lemmas for transitions of substituted processes

Lemma step_out_inv_subst:
  forall sigma p q r a,
    step_out a r p.[sigma] q ->
  (exists q' r',
     step_out a r' p q' /\
     r = r'.[sigma] /\
     q = q'.[sigma]
  ) \/
  (exists n s C,
     step_out a r (sigma n) s /\
     step_var_cxt n p C /\
     q = C.[s .: sigma]
  intros sigma p.
  induction p; intros q r a H1; ainv.
  - left. repeat eexists; eauto.
  - right. exists v, q, (Var 0). repeat split; auto.
  - inv H1.
    + rename p' into p1'.
      destruct (IHp1 p1' r a H5) as [IHp11 | IHp12].
      * left.
        destruct IHp11 as [p1'' [r' [H6 [H7 H8]]]]. subst.
        do 2 eexists. repeat split; eauto.
      * right.
        destruct IHp12 as [n [s [C [H6 [H7 H8]]]]]. subst.
        exists n, s, (Par C p2.[ren (+1)]).
          repeat split; auto.
          - eapply StVarCxtParL; eauto.
          - now asimpl.
    + (* analog *)
      rename q' into p2'.
      destruct (IHp2 p2' r a H5) as [IHp21 | IHp22].
      * left.
        destruct IHp21 as [p2'' [r' [H6 [H7 H8]]]]. subst.
        do 2 eexists. repeat split; eauto.
      * right.
        destruct IHp22 as [n [s [C [H6 [H7 H8]]]]]. subst.
        exists n, s, (Par p1.[ren (+1)] C).
          repeat split; auto.
          - eapply StVarCxtParR; eauto.
          - now asimpl.

Lemma step_in_inv_subst:
  forall sigma p q a,
    step_in a p.[sigma] q ->
  (exists q',
     step_in a p q' /\
     q = q'.[up sigma]
  ) \/
  (exists n s C,
     step_in a (sigma n) s /\
     step_var_cxt n p C /\
     q = C.[s .: (sigma >> (ren (+1)))]
  intros sigma p.
  induction p; intros q a H1; ainv.
  - left. eexists. eauto.
  - right. exists v, q, (Var 0). eauto.
  - inv H1.
    + rename p' into p1'.
      destruct (IHp1 p1' a H3) as [IHp11 | IHp12].
      * left.
        destruct IHp11 as [p1'' [H4 H5]]. subst.
        eexists. repeat split.
          econstructor; eauto.
          now asimpl.
      * right.
        destruct IHp12 as [n [s [C [H4 [H5 H6]]]]]. subst.
        exists n, s, (Par C p2.[ren (+1)]).
        repeat split; auto.
          econstructor; eauto.
          now asimpl.
    + (* analog *)
      rename q' into p2'.
      destruct (IHp2 p2' a H3) as [IHp11 | IHp12].
      * left.
        destruct IHp11 as [p2'' [H4 H5]]. subst.
        eexists. repeat split.
          eapply StInParR. eauto. reflexivity.
          now asimpl.
      * right.
        destruct IHp12 as [n [s [C [H4 [H5 H6]]]]]. subst.
        exists n, s, (Par p1.[ren (+1)] C).
        repeat split; auto.
          eapply StVarCxtParR. eauto. reflexivity.
          now asimpl.

Lemma step_var_cxt_inv_subst:
  forall sigma p C v,
    step_var_cxt v p.[sigma] C ->
  exists v' C' s,
    step_var_cxt v' p C' /\
    step_var_cxt v (sigma v') s /\
    C = C'.[s .: (sigma >> (ren (+1)))].
  intros sigma p.
  induction p; intros q v' H1; ainv.
  - exists v, (Var 0), q. repeat split; eauto.
  - inv H1.
    + rename p' into p1'.
      destruct (IHp1 p1' v' H3) as [v [C [s [H4 [H5 H6]]]]]. subst.
      exists v, (Par C p2.[ren (+1)]), s. repeat split.
      * econstructor; eauto.
      * auto.
      * now asimpl.
    + (* analog *)
      rename q' into p2'.
      destruct (IHp2 p2' v' H3) as [v [C [s [H4 [H5 H6]]]]]. subst.
      exists v, (Par p1.[ren (+1)] C), s. repeat split.
      * eapply StVarCxtParR; eauto.
      * auto.
      * now asimpl.

Substitution Closure

Definition subst_clos:
  relation process -> relation process :=
  fun x => fun p q => exists sigma p' q',
    x p' q' /\
    p = p'.[sigma] /\
    q = q'.[sigma].

(* subst_clos is monotone *)
Global Instance subst_clos_mono: Mono subst_clos.
  intros p q x x' [sigma [p' [q' [H1 [H2 H3]]]]] H4. subst.
  exists sigma, p', q'. intuition.

(* subst_clos is symmetric *)
Global Instance subst_clos_symmetric:
  SymFun subst_clos.
  intros x p q.
  split; intros [sigma [p' [q' [H1 [H2 H3]]]]]; subst;
  now repeat eexists.

(* subst_clos is extensive *)
Global Instance subst_clos_ext:
  Ext subst_clos.
  intros x p q H1.
  exists ids. repeat eexists; asimpl; eauto.